Sick Procedures

We continue to be quite careful about managing COVID and other easily transmitted illnesses at our school.

Our protocols are informed by a variety of sources including CDC guidelines as well as to all federal, state, and local guidance on health and safety.

Keep your child at home if they have any of these symptoms:

·        Temperature above 100

·        Ongoing runny nose with green or yellow mucus

·        New loss of taste or smell

·        Throwing up

·        Chills

·        Diarrhea

·        Persistent cough

·        Rash

·        Two or more cold symptoms

If your child has been exposed to someone outside the home with a COVID diagnosis, monitor for possible COVID symptoms for 10 days. We follow the CDC definition of “close contact” – contact with an active case within 6 feet for at least 10 minutes.

If your child lives with a person infected with COVID, the child must stay home from school for 5 days and receive a negative COVID test prior to returning.

If your child tests positive for COVID, the child may return 10 days from the onset of symptoms and when they are fever/symptom-free for 72 hours. In the event of multiple cases in the classroom, the entire class may enter into a quarantine to limit possible spread and classroom will be thoroughly sanitized.

If your child experiences COVID symptoms while at EC3, we will have a resting spot set up to isolate the child until a parent arrives.